

It is possible to upgrade your course subscription after you have started your course by following the steps below:

  1. Log in (username, password)
  2. Go to ‘My Sketches’ and click on ‘My Account’
  3. In ‘My Account’, click on ‘Upgrade’
  4. On the pop-up screen, click on UpgradeSubscription.
  5. You will then be transferred to the Paypal site for payment.

In the event that you wish to enroll in one of the independent workshops, select ‘Sign up’.

If you would like to sign up for one of the independent workshops, select the ‘Sign up for Independent Workshops’ option to be transferred to a site listing all available courses. Select the course that interests you and click on ‘Sign up’.

~Please note that the above-mentioned independent workshops are not currently available with English subtitles.~


It is both quick and easy to communicate one-on-one with your course instructor provided that you have signed up for a course with instructor supervision. By selecting the ‘My Sketches’ prompt, you can send messages and questions (see the attached photo). All chats are automatically saved for your convenience and future reference.

The photo below illustrates the process:


Students taking a course with instructor supervision also have the option of communicating with their fellow students. On the page ‘My Group’, you can suggest a topic for discussion, follow a thread or make a post.

Cinnabar IKE
Αρ.Γ.Ε.ΜΗ.: 150008601000
Ηλιουπόλεως 34-36
Παγκράτι – Αθήνα – 116 36
Τel.: +30 210 90 11 600
Mob: +30 694 528 0069

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